How To Withdraw Bitcoins To Cash?

how to withdraw bitcoin to cash?

Whether you're a seasoned cryptocurrency trader or a newcomer, understanding how to withdraw Bitcoins to cash is a fundamental skill. As the adoption of Bitcoin continues to expand, many people find themselves in a situation where they want to convert their digital assets into real-world cash. In this article, we will provide a guide on this topic, covering various methods, where you can withdraw your Bitcoins, the best time to withdraw, and important considerations.

How to Withdraw Bitcoins to Cash?

You can withdraw your Bitcoin to cash in two ways: the first is a transfer service, and the other is via debit card. Here's a step-by-step guide on how it works:

How To Withdraw Bitcoins To Cash via Transfer Service?

  • You can start by logging into your account with your username and password to access various services.
  • Once logged in, head to the "Wires" section, where you'll find information related to bank wire transfers.
  • This section reviews vital transfer information, such as the completion time (0-3 business days), a competitive transfer fee, a minimum transfer amount, and a maximum transfer limit.
  • Please ensure your transfer falls within the daily and monthly limits, with a low competitive confirmation fee.
  • Enter the recipient's account details, including account name, type, bank name, account number or IBAN, bank address, BIC/SWIFT code, and any additional notes.
  • Choose Bitcoin for conversion into fiat currency, and our system will calculate the corresponding amounts and fees.
  • You can add your account's security with email verification (usually activated), phone verification (optional), and 2FA for an extra layer of security.
  • Carefully review the transfer summary, including the debited crypto amount, fees, and total fiat currency transfer amount.
  • Enter the verification code sent to your chosen method (email, phone, or 2FA) accurately.
  • After you submit and verify, you'll receive a confirmation prompt. Your crypto deduction will be reflected in your wallet as a pending wire request.
  • Your bank wire transfer has now been initiated and will be processed within the specified timeframe.
  • Monitor the progress in your account.

Withdrawing Bitcoin to Cash with our Debit Card

Acquiring our Debit Card

  1. In the "Card Section," select whether you want a Virtual, Plastic, or Metal card.
  2. Click the "Get Card" button to initiate the card order process.
  3. You'll be required to provide your name on the card as part of the KYC process and specify the delivery address, country, city, postal code, address, and state where your card will be delivered.
  4. Depending on the type of card you ordered, the card cost will be deducted from your wallet using your preferred cryptocurrency payment method.
  5. Check the box to confirm our terms and conditions, then click "Submit."
  6. After that, you will be directed to a confirmation page.
  7. Once the order is processed, we will send you a confirmation email, usually within a few hours or less.
  8. Upon receiving the confirmation email, you can proceed to activate your card, and it will be ready for use.

Loading Your Debit Card

  1. Select the debit card you want to load.
  2. In the debit card section, you can view your card limits (daily, monthly, and yearly), card PIN code, and transaction history. Note that virtual debit cards don't have a PIN code and can only be used for online transactions, not for ATM cash withdrawals.
  3. In the debit card section, choose whether to fundyour debit card or withdraw from your debit card.
  4. Funding the card is a straightforward process. Choose the wallet from which you'll use cryptocurrency to fund the debit card.
  5. Specify the amount you wish to load onto the card, review the associated fees, and view the net amount your debit card will receive after deducting the fees.
  6. The specified amount of cryptocurrency will be deducted from your wallet, along with the associated fees, and the total amount that will be loaded onto your debit card will be displayed.
  7. You will be prompted to review the amount of cryptocurrency deducted from your wallet, the fees deducted to convert it into fiat on your debit card, and the total amount available on your debit card.
  8. After verifying the details, click "Submit," the funds will be loaded onto your debit card.

Why Withdraw Bitcoin to Cash?

There are several reasons why someone might want to convert their Bitcoin to cash, including:

Realizing Profits:

When Bitcoin's price experiences significant growth, traders may want to capitalize on these gains. This is akin to selling a traditional asset like stocks when they appreciate. It allows traders to lock in their profits and reallocate them to other opportunities. Timing is crucial in realizing profits. Traders often keep a close eye on the market to identify the right moment to sell. The goal is to maximize the return on their initial asset. Additionally, many traders have specific financial goals or milestones they aim to achieve. Converting Bitcoin to cash when these goals are met can provide a sense of accomplishment and financial security.

Covering Expenses:

Bitcoin is increasingly accepted as a form of payment by various businesses, but it still needs to be recognized as a medium of exchange. As a result, most day-to-day expenses, such as groceries, rent, and utility bills, still require traditional fiat currency. Converting Bitcoin to cash is a practical solution for covering these expenses. It ensures that individuals can use their cryptocurrency holdings to maintain their everyday lives. For some, the ability to seamlessly use Bitcoin for expenses may be limited by regulatory restrictions or the need for merchant adoption. In such cases, converting to cash becomes a necessity.

Diversifying Assets:

Diversification is a well-established trading strategy. It involves spreading assets across different types of ventures to reduce risk. Converting some Bitcoin to cash can be a step in diversifying one's overall portfolio. By holding some of their assets in cash, traders can be prepared to seize new trading opportunities or respond to unforeseen financial needs. It provides liquidity, making it easier to act swiftly in the financial markets. Diversification also helps mitigate the volatility associated with cryptocurrency. Bitcoin's price can fluctuate significantly, and some traders may choose to reduce their exposure to these price swings by converting a portion of their holdings into a more stable fiat currency.

Where to Exchange Bitcoins for Cash?

Exchanging your Bitcoins for cash can be a crucial step in your cryptocurrency journey, and there are various methods and platforms available for this purpose. In this guide, we will explore some of the most common and trusted avenues for exchanging Bitcoins for cash.

PlasBit Exchange:

Cryptocurrency exchanges have long been the go-to choice for many. Cryptocurrency exchange provides a seamless process for crypto trading pairs. Here's how it works:

Register Your Account:

  1. Click on the "Get Started" button to initiate the registration process.
  2. Enter your preferred email address for registration.
  3. Click "Continue" to proceed.
  4. Choose a strong and secure password for your account.
  5. Accept the "Terms of Use and Privacy Policy."
  6. Complete the captcha verification to confirm your identity.
  7. Click "Submit" to create your account.

Verify Your Email:

  1. Keep an eye on your email inbox for a message from our platform.
  2. Proceed to your email and select the verification link to finalize your registration.
  3. You will be seamlessly redirected to our"Dashboard."

Bitcoin ATMs:

Bitcoin ATMs have become a convenient way to exchange Bitcoin for cash. These machines allow you to withdraw cash in exchange for Bitcoin or deposit cash to buy Bitcoin. To use a Bitcoin ATM:

  1. Find a Bitcoin ATM near you using online directories or smartphone apps.
  2. Verify your identity, which may involve a mobile number or ID scan.
  3. Initiate the withdrawal or purchase process on the ATM.
  4. Once your transaction is confirmed, the ATM dispenses the corresponding cash.

Be aware that Bitcoin ATMs may charge higher fees compared to traditional exchanges. However, they offer the advantage of quick and anonymous transactions.

Over-the-Counter (OTC) Trading:

OTC trading is suitable for large transactions and institutional traders. It involves direct trades with a broker or OTC desk. The process typically includes negotiation and settlement, ensuring privacy and competitive rates. OTC trading offers a high level of privacy and can accommodate substantial trade volumes. Institutions and high-net-worth individuals commonly use this method.

Local Exchanges and Services:

In some regions, local cryptocurrency exchanges and services facilitate Bitcoin-to-cash exchanges. These platforms may provide additional features, such as in-person trading and cash deposits. Local exchange services can be a convenient option for users looking to exchange Bitcoin for cash without relying on major international platforms.

What is a Withdrawal Address Bitcoin?

A Bitcoin withdrawal address is commonly known as a Bitcoin wallet address. This alphanumeric string is the destination for Bitcoin transactions, allowing users to send, receive, and securely store digital currency. Bitcoin withdrawal addresses, typically consisting of 26 to 35 alphanumeric characters that include both uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers, are case-sensitive, emphasizing the need for precise handling. The generation of a Bitcoin withdrawal address is achieved using cryptographic techniques derived from the user's public key associated with their Bitcoin wallet. Modern wallets often employ hierarchical deterministic (HD) addresses, creating a new address for each transaction to enhance privacy and security. These withdrawal addresses serve as digital identities for users, facilitating the sending and receiving of Bitcoins. They are crucial for the accurate flow of Bitcoins within the network. Furthermore, Bitcoin withdrawal addresses contribute to network security and anonymity by enhancing privacy by using unique addresses for each transaction, preventing tracking and obfuscating transaction histories. They are universally compatible, allowing users to transact across various wallets and platforms, bolstering Bitcoin's widespread adoption and utility. PlasBit wallet features a robust security infrastructure designed to protect your assets. The cryptocurrency wallet supports many cryptocurrencies, including BTC, ETH, LTC, ADA, USDC, ERC20 tokens, and more. We prioritize data privacy and security, implementing encryption, biometric authentication, and 2-Factor Authentication to safeguard users' private keys from digital threats. Our ISO/IEC 27001 certification reflects our commitment to top-tier security standards, providing a safe environment for all clients and investors.

What Is an HD Wallet?

HD (hierarchical deterministic) wallets are an evolution in the cryptocurrency world that enhances security and privacy. These wallets generate a fresh Bitcoin withdrawal address for each transaction, as opposed to using the same address repeatedly. This practice significantly improves user privacy by preventing the tracking of transaction histories and obfuscating the flow of funds. The use of HD wallets is essential in maintaining the security and anonymity of Bitcoin transactions. By creating a unique withdrawal address for each transaction, users can enjoy greater privacy, making it challenging for external parties to trace their financial activities. HD wallets reflect the cryptocurrency community's commitment to improving security and privacy in the crypto landscape. They offer users the tools they need to safeguard their assets and maintain their financial privacy, reinforcing the core values of the Bitcoin network.

When to Sell Crypto?

Deciding when to sell cryptocurrencies is a critical aspect of managing your digital assets and optimizing your trading strategy. The cryptocurrency market is known for its volatility and rapid price fluctuations, making the timing of your sale crucial. Let's explore the various factors and strategies to consider when determining the opportune moment to sell your crypto holdings.

Asset Goals:

The first and most essential consideration is your asset objectives. Are you aiming for short-term gains, or do you have a long-term perspective? Different goals may necessitate different selling strategies. If you want to capitalize on a quick price increase, you might sell when you achieve your target profit. However, if you're in it long-term, you might hold onto your crypto assets through market fluctuations.

Market Analysis:

Informed decision-making often involves a comprehensive analysis of the cryptocurrency market. This includes tracking price trends, market sentiment, and news that could impact the crypto's value. Technical analysis, which involves studying price charts and indicators, can provide insights into potential price movements.

Risk Tolerance:

Understanding your risk tolerance is vital. Cryptos can be highly volatile, and their prices can swing dramatically quickly. Assess how comfortable you are with these price fluctuations and adjust your selling strategy accordingly.


Diversification is a risk management tactic that spreads your assets across various classes. Selling some cryptocurrency holdings and diversifying into other opportunities can help mitigate risk and balance your portfolio.

Milestones and Targets:

Setting clear milestones and price targets can guide your selling decisions. You can sell some of your assets when the price reaches a certain level, ensuring you lock in profits or limit losses.

Portfolio Rebalancing:

As the value of different assets in your portfolio changes, it's important to rebalance to maintain your desired asset allocation. Selling crypto assets and reallocating the proceeds into other assets can help you maintain your financial goals.

Tax Implications:

Selling cryptocurrencies may have tax implications depending on your country's tax laws. It's essential to be aware of the tax consequences of your sales, such as capital gains tax, and plan your selling strategy accordingly to minimize tax liabilities.

External Events:

Be attuned to external events and developments that can impact the cryptocurrency market. Regulatory changes, macroeconomic factors, and global events can influence cryptocurrency prices. Selling or holding based on these external factors should be part of your decision-making process.

Emotional Discipline:

Emotional discipline is vital when deciding when to sell. Fear of missing out (FOMO) or FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) can lead to impulsive decisions. It's important to stick to your strategy and avoid making decisions based solely on emotions.

Research and Analysis:

Finally, informed decision-making requires thorough research and analysis. Stay updated on the news and developments in the crypto space. Continuous learning and understanding of the specific assets in your portfolio are key to making well-informed selling decisions.

How to Sell Crypto for Cash?

Selling cryptocurrencies for cash involves several steps, and it's essential to do it securely and efficiently. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to sell crypto for cash:

Create an Account

Sign up for an account with our exchange by providing your email address and creating a secure password. Verify your identity with Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements. Finalize the verification within 72 hours by submitting photos of your card and a photo ID and following the provided instructions.

Deposit Your Cryptocurrency

After completing the registration and identity verification, you can deposit the cryptocurrency you intend to sell into the exchange's wallet. This usually involves generating a deposit address for the specific cryptocurrency you are selling. Let's say you have 1 Bitcoin (BTC) that you want to sell for cash.

Place a Sell Order

Once your cryptocurrency is in the exchange's wallet, you can place a sell order. You'll need to specify the amount of cryptocurrency you want to sell and the price at which you want to sell it. You decide to place a market order to sell your 1 BTC at the current market price. You have two primary options:

Market Order:

Sell your cryptocurrency immediately at the current market price.

Limit Order:

Set a specific price at which you want to sell your cryptocurrency. The order will be processed when the market price reaches your specified level.

Execute the Trade

Your sell order will remain on the exchange until a buyer matches it. Once a buyer agrees to your selling terms and the order is matched, the trade will be executed. A buyer matches your market order, and you successfully sell your 1 BTC for the current market price.

Receive Cash in an Exchange Account

After the trade is executed, you will acquire the equivalent cash in your exchange account. The amount will depend on the market price during the trade and any associated fees. You now have the equivalent cash amount in your exchange account, and it's ready for withdrawal.

How To Withdraw Bitcoins To Cash

Considerations when Converting Bitcoin to Cash

Tax Implications

Understanding the tax implications of selling your Bitcoin is of paramount importance. Different jurisdictions have varying rules regarding cryptocurrency taxation, and it's essential to know how they apply to your situation. In many countries, the sale of cryptocurrencies is subject to capital gains tax, and you must report your earnings accurately during tax season. Keeping meticulous records of your transactions is crucial to ensure compliance.

Security and Privacy

Security and privacy should be on your mind when converting Bitcoin to cash. Ensure that you use trustworthy and secure platforms or exchanges for your transactions. Beware of potential scams, phishing sites, and unverified sellers, especially on peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms. Utilizing hardware wallets to store your Bitcoin securely can protect your assets from potential security breaches.

Market Timing

The highly volatile nature of Bitcoin's price necessitates a thoughtful approach to market timing. Consider your financial goals, current market conditions, and risk tolerance before deciding when to withdraw. Spreading your withdrawals over time can mitigate the impact of price volatility and enable you to capitalize on favorable market movements.

Regulatory Compliance:

Understanding and adhering to local regulations is imperative. Cryptocurrency regulations can vary significantly from one jurisdiction to another. Some regions have specific rules and reporting requirements for cryptocurrency transactions, and non-compliance can result in legal issues. It's important to be aware of the legal status of Bitcoin in your country and, if necessary, seek legal advice for compliance.

Exchange Fees:

Cryptocurrency exchanges often charge fees for various aspects of trading and withdrawals. It's crucial to be well-informed about these fees and how they can affect the profitability of your conversion. Different exchanges have varying fee structures, so it's prudent to compare them and select the most cost-effective option for your needs.

Verification Processes:

Most exchanges and platforms require users to undergo identity verification, typically known as Know Your Customer (KYC) or Anti-Money Laundering (AML) procedures. This is especially true when dealing with larger amounts of cash. Be prepared to provide identification documents and complete the verification process if you intend to convert substantial amounts of Bitcoin to cash.

Volume and Liquidity:

Liquidity is a critical factor to consider, particularly when dealing with larger transactions. It refers to the effortlessness with which an asset can traded without notably affecting its price. Ensure there is enough liquidity in the market to accommodate your trade without causing substantial price slippage.

Storage and Wallet Security:

If you're not using a hardware wallet to store your Bitcoin, it's vital to prioritize the security of your digital assets while they are on an exchange. Exchanges can be vulnerable to security breaches. Implement strong, unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication (2FA). Consider keeping only the necessary amount of Bitcoin on the exchange for your specific transaction.


Maintaining comprehensive records of your cryptocurrency transactions is not only for tax purposes but is also essential for tracking and monitoring your financial activities. These records should comprise the date of the transaction, the amount of Bitcoin involved, the price at the time of the transaction, and information about the counterparty.

Research and Due Diligence:

Before selecting an exchange or trading platform, conduct thorough research to evaluate its reputation, security features, and feedback from other users. When participating in P2P trading, diligently verify the trustworthiness of the counterparty. Conducting due diligence can protect you from potential scams and fraudulent activities.

Privacy Trade-Offs:

The choice of method for converting Bitcoin to cash can have privacy trade-offs. Exchanges and platforms that adhere to KYC/AML regulations require users to disclose their identity, impacting privacy. Weigh the advantages and disadvantages and opt for the approach that aligns with your privacy preferences and risk tolerance.


Converting Bitcoin to cash is a fundamental aspect of cryptocurrency management that requires careful planning and consideration. Whether driven by the desire to realize profits, cover daily expenses, or diversify assets, individuals need to navigate this transition by understanding the tax implications, security and privacy concerns, market timing, and various other critical factors. The cryptocurrency landscape is dynamic and evolving, with multiple methods and platforms available to facilitate this conversion. From traditional cryptocurrency exchanges to the convenience of Bitcoin ATMs and the privacy of peer-to-peer trading, individuals have an array of options. However, it is crucial to remain vigilant, comply with local regulations, and prioritize security at every step of the journey. By adhering to these considerations and making informed decisions, individuals can confidently convert their digital assets into real-world cash while ensuring their financial goals are met and their assets are safeguarded.