How Much Crypto is Used for Illegal Activity?

How much crypto is used for illegal activity?

Cryptocurrencies have gained substantial traction in recent years, attracting attention not only for their potential to revolutionize the financial landscape and their perceived association with illegal activities. Cryptocurrencies' anonymity and decentralized nature have raised concerns about their potential misuse for unlawful purposes. At PlasBit, we firmly believe in adopting a balanced perspective when addressing this topic, recognizing that technology is not inherently designed for illegal activities. Instead, the involvement of cryptocurrencies in illegal transactions is primarily driven by the actions of a minority within the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem.

The pseudonymous nature of cryptocurrency transactions is one of the factors contributing to the perception of their involvement in illegal activities. Unlike traditional financial systems that typically require personal identification, cryptocurrencies offer users privacy by allowing transactions without revealing real-world identities. While this anonymity has its merits regarding privacy and security, it also raises concerns about potential misuse for illegal purposes.

Additionally, cryptocurrencies' decentralized and borderless nature further contributes to their perceived association with unlawful transactions. Unlike centralized fiat currencies regulated by central authorities, cryptocurrencies operate on decentralized networks known as blockchains. This lack of centralization poses challenges in imposing strict controls and oversight, potentially creating opportunities for individuals seeking to exploit the technology for money laundering, tax evasion, or funding illegal activities.

Nevertheless, it is essential to highlight that the connection between cryptocurrencies and illegal activities does not reflect the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem. Most cryptocurrency users and transactions are legitimate and adhere to regulatory frameworks. Many individuals and organizations recognize cryptocurrencies as a disruptive technology with significant potential for financial innovation, transparency, and inclusivity.

Regulatory bodies worldwide are implementing measures to enhance transparency, combat money laundering, and enforce Know Your Customer (KYC) protocols to address concerns surrounding illegal activities and cryptocurrencies. Reputable cryptocurrency exchanges and service providers are increasingly adopting Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance practices to ensure the legitimacy of transactions and create a safer environment for users.

According to a report in 2022, illegal cryptocurrency activity reached a record high of $20.1 billion, up from $18 billion the previous year. The increase can be primarily attributed to the escalating U.S. sanctions targeting digital currencies. Approximately 44% of the illegal transactions identified were linked to sanctioned entities. The report classified illegal cryptocurrency activity to include transactions related to various illegal activities, such as money laundering, ransomware attacks, and the dark web. We aim to provide an in-depth analysis of the involvement of cryptocurrencies in unlawful transactions. Understanding the nuances and complexities of this issue is crucial, as it impacts the perception and future development of cryptocurrencies as a transformative technology.

Money Laundering

How much crypto is used for illegal activity? Crypto has been used for money laundering for quite some time, allowing illegally obtained funds to appear legitimate. This complex and pervasive issue challenges global law enforcement and financial regulatory bodies. Cryptocurrencies have garnered attention as a potential tool for money laundering due to specific characteristics that criminals can exploit. However, it is crucial to understand that while cryptocurrencies offer certain advantages for illegal activities, traditional financial systems still dominate the landscape of money laundering.

Cryptocurrencies, with their decentralized and borderless nature, have drawn the interest of those seeking to obfuscate the origins of their illegal funds. The pseudonymous nature of cryptocurrency transactions allows individuals to conduct transactions without revealing their real-world identities, providing a layer of anonymity. Moreover, the global accessibility of cryptocurrencies facilitates cross-border transfers, making it difficult for authorities to trace the flow of funds and regulate transactions effectively.

One method of money laundering and transferring cryptocurrencies is "mixing" or "tumbling." Mixing services aim to break the link between the sender and recipient of funds by combining transactions from multiple sources and redistributing them, making it challenging to trace the source of the funds. Criminals may also utilize privacy-focused cryptocurrencies that prioritize anonymity to further obscure transaction details and mask the flow of funds.

However, it is essential to note that traditional financial systems, including banks, cash-based transactions, and money services businesses, remain the primary vehicles for money laundering activities. These established channels offer a larger scale of operations, greater liquidity, and more extensive networks for criminals to exploit. Offshore accounts, shell companies, and complex financial structures are commonly used within traditional systems to launder illegal funds, often surpassing the volume and impact of cryptocurrency-related money laundering.

How much crypto is used for illegal activity?

Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware attacks have emerged as a significant and evolving threat in cybercrime. In these attacks, malicious actors exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems to encrypt victims' data and demand a ransom payment, typically in cryptocurrency, in exchange for the decryption key. Cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin, have gained notoriety as the preferred payment method for ransomware attacks due to several factors, including their accessibility, speed, and perceived anonymity. However, it is crucial to emphasize that most cryptocurrency users engage in lawful activities, and cryptocurrencies are not inherently designed for illegal purposes.

The use of cryptocurrencies in ransomware attacks offers several advantages to perpetrators. First, cryptocurrencies provide a level of accessibility and ease of use, allowing attackers to receive payments from victims across the globe without the need for intermediaries or traditional banking systems. This facilitates quick and efficient transactions, enabling hackers to monetize their illegal activities rapidly. Additionally, the decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies ensures that funds can be securely transferred to attackers without relying on a central authority, making it challenging for law enforcement agencies to trace and freeze the funds.

Perceived anonymity is another crucial factor that has made cryptocurrencies popular among ransomware attackers. While cryptocurrency transactions are pseudonymous and can be tracked on the public blockchain, the real-world identities behind these transactions are not readily apparent. This layer of anonymity has created the perception that cryptocurrencies offer a safe and untraceable payment method, making it appealing for criminals involved in ransomware activities. However, it is essential to note that law enforcement agencies and cybersecurity experts have developed sophisticated techniques to trace cryptocurrency transactions and identify individuals involved in illegal activities.

Despite the association between cryptocurrencies and ransomware attacks, avoiding painting the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem with a broad brush is essential. Most cryptocurrency users employ digital assets for legitimate purposes such as online transactions, investments, and financial innovation. Cryptocurrencies have the potential to offer numerous benefits, including increased transparency, reduced transaction costs, and financial inclusion. It is crucial to separate the technology from its misuse by a minority of individuals engaged in criminal activities.

Efforts are underway to combat ransomware and the misuse of cryptocurrencies for illegal purposes. Law enforcement agencies are collaborating internationally to track down ransomware attackers. Cybersecurity firms and organizations are developing advanced threat detection systems and educating individuals and businesses on cybersecurity best practices to mitigate ransomware attacks. Regulatory bodies also strengthen compliance and implement measures to increase transparency and accountability.

What Is The Dark Web

How much crypto is used for illegal activity? Crypto is the most common payment source on the dark web due to its perceived pseudonymity. The dark web, a hidden part of the internet requiring specific software or configurations to access, is often associated with illegal activities. It provides a platform for various illegal transactions, including selling drugs, weapons, stolen data, hacking tools, counterfeit documents, and other contraband items. Cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin, have become the primary medium of exchange on dark web marketplaces due to their perceived anonymity and ease of use. However, it is essential to maintain perspective and recognize that the dark web represents a small fraction of overall cryptocurrency usage.

Cryptocurrencies have become the preferred payment method on the dark web due to their characteristics that align with the needs of illegal transactions. The pseudonymous nature of cryptocurrency transactions allows buyers and sellers on the dark web to conduct business without revealing their real-world identities. Instead, transactions are recorded on the blockchain with unique cryptographic addresses, providing a certain level of anonymity. Bitcoin, in particular, has been widely adopted on the dark web due to its popularity, acceptance by vendors, and the availability of various mixing services that attempt to obscure transaction trails.

While cryptocurrencies have facilitated illegal activities on the dark web, it is crucial to understand that most cryptocurrency transactions occur within legitimate contexts. Cryptocurrencies offer benefits beyond potential misuses, such as fast and borderless transactions, reduced fees, and increased financial inclusivity. The use of cryptocurrencies for illegal purposes should not overshadow the broader positive impact they can have on the global economy.

Efforts are being made to address illegal activities on the dark web and the misuse of cryptocurrencies. Law enforcement agencies worldwide collaborate to identify and shut down illegal dark web marketplaces, targeting sellers and buyers involved in criminal activities. Regulatory bodies are also developing frameworks to ensure compliance within the cryptocurrency industry and establish guidelines for reporting suspicious activities.

It is important to note that the dark web is not synonymous with cryptocurrencies nor represents these digital assets' broader use and potential. Most cryptocurrency users engage in legitimate activities, such as online purchases, investments, and financial innovation. While the dark web remains a concern, educating individuals about the responsible and legal use of cryptocurrencies and supporting efforts to combat illegal activities on the dark web is crucial.

Regulatory Measures and AML Compliance

Regulatory bodies worldwide have implemented measures to enhance transparency, reduce the risk of money laundering, and promote accountability within the cryptocurrency industry in response to the concerns surrounding illegal activities involving cryptocurrencies. These regulatory efforts primarily focus on anti-money laundering (AML) regulations, Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements, and enhanced due diligence practices.

Anti-money laundering regulations require cryptocurrency businesses to establish robust AML programs to detect and report suspicious transactions. These programs typically include procedures for customer identification, transaction monitoring, and reporting suspicious activities to relevant authorities. AML regulations regulatory bodies aim to deter money laundering and financing illegal activities through cryptocurrencies.

Know Your Customer requirements are another essential aspect of regulatory measures. They mandate cryptocurrency businesses to verify the identities of their customers, ensuring that individuals engaging in cryptocurrency transactions are accurately identified. KYC requirements typically involve collecting personal information, such as identification documents and proof of address, and conducting thorough identity verification processes. KYC procedures not only assist in preventing money laundering but also help combat fraud, terrorist financing, and other illegal activities.

In addition to AML and KYC measures, enhanced due diligence practices are being implemented by reputable cryptocurrency exchanges and service providers. These practices go beyond basic compliance requirements and involve extensive risk assessments of customers, transactions, and counterparties. By adopting enhanced due diligence, businesses can better identify and mitigate potential risks associated with illegal activities and ensure they are not inadvertently facilitating illegal transactions.

Regulatory bodies are actively working to develop and refine the frameworks for cryptocurrency regulations. These frameworks vary across jurisdictions but typically aim to strike a balance between protecting against illegal activities and fostering innovation in the cryptocurrency space. Regulatory authorities are engaging with industry stakeholders, including cryptocurrency businesses, to gather insights and establish guidelines that align with the unique characteristics of cryptocurrencies while addressing regulatory concerns.

Compliance with regulatory measures and AML obligations has become a priority for reputable cryptocurrency exchanges and service providers. They recognize the importance of creating a safe and trustworthy environment for cryptocurrency users and actively work to implement compliance programs. This includes dedicating resources to enhance AML and KYC practices, investing in sophisticated transaction monitoring systems, and collaborating with regulatory authorities to share information and combat illegal activities effectively.

Furthermore, partnerships between cryptocurrency businesses and traditional financial institutions are emerging to leverage their strengths in combating money laundering. These collaborations allow for sharing expertise, resources, and best practices in AML compliance. They also contribute to integrating cryptocurrencies into the broader financial system and facilitate the adoption of regulatory standards across the industry.


How much crypto is used for illegal activity? In the early days, it was significantly prevalent, but currently, crypto is on the verge of being regulated sooner than expected. This regulatory process will provide more precise guidelines on how it will function within our society. Cryptocurrencies have faced scrutiny due to their potential involvement in illegal activities. However, it is crucial to recognize that most cryptocurrency users engage in legitimate transactions contributing to the global financial system. Regulatory measures and compliance efforts have been implemented to address the risks of illegal cryptocurrency use. The ongoing collaboration between law enforcement agencies, regulatory bodies, and the cryptocurrency community is instrumental in ensuring the responsible and legal use of cryptocurrencies. While there have been illegal activities involving cryptocurrencies, it is crucial to avoid generalizations and recognize that most cryptocurrency transactions adhere to regulatory frameworks. By enhancing transparency, implementing anti-money laundering measures, and promoting responsible usage, stakeholders can work together to mitigate the risks and foster the positive potential of cryptocurrencies in the global economy. To navigate the world of cryptocurrencies effectively, staying informed is essential. Our platform offers users a comprehensive range of tools for effectively managing their cryptocurrency assets and educational resources covering basic concepts and advanced topics related to cryptocurrencies.