Bitcoin as Cash: The Ultimate Guide to Using Cryptocurrency for Everyday Transactions

can I use my bitcoin as cash?

As a digital currency, Bitcoin has been thriving as a means of payment for digital exchange and online transactions. But while the adoption of cryptocurrencies continues to increase, crypto investors and enthusiasts are looking to find more ways to utilize Bitcoin and other crypto coins beyond their digital nature. So, asking, "Can I use my Bitcoin as cash?" has become a regular search among crypto users.

You are converting your Bitcoin to cash offers versatility and convenience beyond the digital world. In this article, we'll explore utilizing Bitcoin as cash, various methods to convert your Bitcoin to cash, the benefits and challenges involved, and what the future holds for crypto as a potential world currency.

Why Convert Bitcoin to Cash?

Bitcoin exists only as a digital currency, at least for now. Hence, you might need to convert Bitcoin to cash for a variety of reasons, which may include:

General Acceptance

Although crypto is fast growing in recognition and acceptance, cash remains a more universally accepted medium of exchange. Converting Bitcoin to cash allows you to seamlessly transact with merchants, service providers, and individuals who may not yet accept digital currencies.

Easy Accessibility

Only about 64.6% of the world's population are internet users, which means there are still about 2.7 billion people worldwide who don't access the internet. Depending only on digital transactions with Bitcoin means you're restricted to only active internet users.

But cash is readily accessible to anyone, irrespective of their digital proficiency or access to digital payment systems. By converting Bitcoin to cash, you can access a widely available and easily understandable currency, ensuring smooth transactions no matter where you are or who's involved.

Examples of real-life scenarios that prompt the question, "Can I use my Bitcoin as cash" include paying for goods or services at brick-and-mortar stores, settling bills with local service providers, or face-to-face transactions.

Flexibility and Stability

Bitcoin has a reputation for high volatility - the price and value can change often and at any time. You can convert your Bitcoin to cash if you need to plan and budget your money using a more stable value.

For instance, Bitcoin has gone from $26k to $30k between May and June 2023, an about 15% increase. Assuming you have a budget for $100 worth of Bitcoin in your PlasBit wallet and the 15% price change was negative, you'll need an extra $15 to cover your budget.


Cash can be crucial in emergencies or when digital payment systems are inaccessible or compromised. Converting your Bitcoin to cash ensures you have a physical backup for unforeseen circumstances.

How To Convert Bitcoin To Cash?

Now that we have answered the question, Can I use my Bitcoin as cash? Let's show you the different methods to convert your BTC to cash and spend more conveniently.

1. Crypto Debit Cards

Like regular debit cards, a crypto debit card allows you to pay for purchases from a funded account. While a regular debit card links to your bank account, a crypto debit card links to your wallet.

To spend cash from a crypto debit card, you need to fund your wallet with Bitcoin and top up your debit card with the BTC from your wallet. When you make purchases and pay with the card, the card automatically converts the necessary amount of Bitcoin into the corresponding fiat amount.

The PlasBit card provides the most convenient debit card solution. If you still ask, Can I use my Bitcoin as cash? You can create a PlasBit virtual card for online transactions or a plastic card for crypto ATMs. The PlasBit card also allows you to fund with various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Cardano, and USDC.

2. Crypto ATMs

Crypto ATMs, or Bitcoin ATMs, are physical machines that enable users to convert Bitcoin into cash. These ATMs function similarly to traditional ATMs but with the added capability of transacting in Bitcoin. So, you need to get a crypto plastic card and ensure you fund it with Bitcoin. At PlasBit, we provide you with a secure plastic card with a daily purchase limit of up to $5,000 per day.

3. PlasBit Wallet-to-Bank Transfers

This is arguably the best answer to the question, Can I use my Bitcoin as cash if you want the cash in a bank account without risks? Instead of waiting until it's time to spend to get your Bitcoin as cash, you can transfer your Bitcoin to your desired bank account within seconds with the PlasBit all-in-one wallet solution.

With the PlasBit wallet, you can transfer money to more than 130 countries, track your payment, and view your transaction history from anywhere. And you can transfer up to $50,000 per transaction online and a maximum of $300,000 in 30 days.

4. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Transactions

Another fast solution to the question Can I use my Bitcoin as cash is Peer-to-Peer (P2P) transactions. Peer-to-peer transactions involve directly exchanging Bitcoin for cash with another crypto user. Online platforms and marketplaces facilitate these transactions, connecting buyers and sellers who agree on exchange rates.

A typical P2P platform allows you to choose from a list of buyers who transfers cash to your bank account in exchange for your crypto. You can filter the list by amount, means of payment, currency, and rate to suit your needs.

P2P transactions offer flexibility and the potential for competitive rates. However, you must exercise caution and use reputable platforms to ensure the security and trustworthiness of the transaction.

Can I use my Bitcoin as cash?

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Convert Your Bitcoin To Cash

Converting Bitcoin to cash is becoming more superficial by the day as blockchain technology advances. Follow these simple steps to convert your Bitcoin to cash using a crypto debit card or wallet-to-bank transfers.

Using a Crypto Debit Card

  1. Open a account and follow the simple prompts to create your secured crypto wallet.
  2. On your dashboard, locate the 'Wallet' tab and fund your wallet with Bitcoin.
  3. Click on the 'Cards' tab and select the card tier you want.
  4. Click on 'Get This Card' and purchase the card from your wallet balance. PlasBit will notify you when your card is approved.
  5. Click 'Funding' on the 'Cards' tab and follow the steps to fund your card.
  6. You can now use your PlasBit card to make payments, and the BTC will be automatically converted to the cash equivalent at checkout.
  7. If you order a physical card, note that it may take 10 - 14 days to arrive.

Using PlasBit Wallet-to-Bank Transfer

  1. Sign up on the PlasBit platform with your email address.
  2. Create and fund your wallet with Bitcoin.
  3. On the dashboard, navigate to the Transfers tab.
  4. Set up the transfer and fill in the recipient's details, such as account count number, destination country, etc.
  5. For regulatory purposes, you may need to supply supporting documents.
  6. Cross-check the details and confirm the transfer.

Challenges and Risks of Using Bitcoin as Cash

While using Bitcoin as cash presents various advantages, you should also know its possible challenges and risks. Here are some considerations.

Limited Merchant Acceptance

Despite the growing acceptance of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin is not yet a universal currency for payment. Studies reveal that only about 28% of small businesses in the United States accept Bitcoin as payment as of 2020. This limited acceptance may restrict your ability to use Bitcoin as cash in certain situations or locations.

Exchange and Transaction Fees

Most Bitcoin-to-cash transactions involve transaction and exchange fees. The fees vary depending on the platform and method used for the transaction. For example, crypto debit cards may charge loading or transaction fees, while peer-to-peer transactions may involve fees based on the exchange rates set by sellers. So, as you're asking, Can I use my Bitcoin as cash? You should also confirm the implication of the fees on your money.

Price Volatility

Although converting Bitcoin to cash mitigates the direct exposure to price volatility, it's important to note that the value of Bitcoin can fluctuate significantly. If you hold Bitcoin for an extended period before converting, the value may increase or decrease, impacting the purchasing power of your converted cash.

High Risk of Fraud and Scams

The decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies makes transactions vulnerable to fraud and scams. For instance, you might encounter fraudulent users when converting Bitcoin to cash through peer-to-peer or lesser-known platforms. Hence, you should exercise caution, conduct thorough research, and use reputable platforms to minimize the likelihood of falling victim to scams.

Security Concerns

While Bitcoin is secure due to its underlying blockchain technology, the security of your Bitcoin wallet and the platforms you use for conversion are paramount. Wallets and platforms can be susceptible to hacking attempts or security breaches.

For safe and secure transactions, employ security measures such as using secure wallets, enabling 2-factor authentication, and watching out for phishing attempts.

Regulatory Uncertainty

The regulatory landscape surrounding cryptocurrencies is still evolving. Different jurisdictions have varying regulations and legal frameworks governing the use and conversion of cryptocurrencies. Changes in regulations can impact the ease of converting Bitcoin to cash and introduce uncertainties in the future.

For example, some countries have restrictions on cryptocurrency exchanges, while others have embraced digital currencies and are actively developing regulatory frameworks.

What Is The Future of Bitcoins

As the pioneering cryptocurrency, Bitcoin has made significant strides since its inception. Nevertheless, Can I use my Bitcoin as cash to seek answers beyond the present solutions? Users want to be sure they can securely spend their crypto in the future more easily.

As we look ahead, several factors indicate the potential for further growth and adoption of Bitcoin as a currency. Here are some insights into what the future may hold for Bitcoin.

Increased Mainstream Adoption:

Over the years, Bitcoin has gained mainstream recognition and acceptance. Major companies, including PayPal, Tesla, and Square, have incorporated Bitcoin into their payment systems, contributing to its legitimacy. Furthermore, institutional investors and hedge funds are allocating a portion of their portfolios to Bitcoin, signaling a growing acceptance of cryptocurrency within traditional financial systems.

Advancements in Technology:

Ongoing advancements in blockchain technology, the underlying technology behind Bitcoin, will likely improve the cryptocurrency's scalability, security, and efficiency. Developments such as the Lightning Network aim to address the scalability issues of Bitcoin, enabling faster and more cost-effective transactions. These technological advancements could drive broader adoption and usage of Bitcoin as a currency.

Financial Inclusion:

Bitcoin can enhance financial inclusion, particularly in regions with limited access to traditional banking services. Its decentralized nature gives individuals direct control over their funds, eliminating the need for intermediaries.

By leveraging mobile devices and internet connectivity, Bitcoin can provide financial services to the unbanked and underbanked populations, especially in third-world countries, enabling them to participate in the global economy.

Store of Value and Hedge Against Inflation:

Bitcoin's limited supply and decentralized nature position it as a potential store of value and a hedge against inflation. With a maximum supply of 21 million coins, Bitcoin's scarcity and the absence of central authority controlling its issuance make it an attractive alternative to traditional fiat currencies. As governments continue implementing expansionary monetary policies, Bitcoin's ability to preserve value over time may drive increased adoption.

Regulatory Frameworks and Institutional Support:

As the cryptocurrency market expands, governments in different crypto-friendly countries are working on establishing regulatory guidelines to address crypto-related matters in money laundering, taxation, and consumer protection concerns. With increased regulatory clarity, individuals and institutions will gain more confidence in crypto, fostering greater adoption and usage of Bitcoin as a recognized currency.

Integration with Traditional Financial Infrastructure:

There are talks of efforts to integrate Bitcoin into existing financial infrastructure. For example, financial institutions are exploring the incorporation of Bitcoin into their services, such as custody solutions and Bitcoin-backed financial products. Such integrations can bridge the gap between cryptocurrencies and conventional financial systems, making it easier to convert Bitcoin to cash and vice versa.


As the crypto ecosystem evolves, the popular question, Can I use my Bitcoin as cash, has many answers. From crypto debit cards to transfers, you can explore the options in this article to convert your Bitcoin to cash and spend your money more conveniently. And at PlasBit, we provide you with a secure wallet, crypto virtual and plastic cards, wallet-to-bank transfers, and every other solution you need for a seamless crypto-to-cash conversion.