<div id="crypto_rss" data-coins="BTC" data-cards="3" data-rss="CoinDesk,PlasBit" data-theme="linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(115, 114, 114, 1) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 1) 50%, rgba(115, 114, 114, 1) 100%)" data-text="#ffffff" data-button="#0581de" data-vertical="false" data-coin="BTC" data-price="USD" data-crypto-amount="1" data-switch-mode="false" data-currency-amount="1" data-language="en"></div><script src="https://img.plasbit.com/widget/js/crypto-rss.js"></script>
Copy and paste this into where you want the widget to be. You can load as many widgets of this type as you like, but only load the script once.