How To Track Bitcoin Transaction on Blockchain?

how to track bitcoin transaction on blockchain?

Are you interested in discovering how to track Bitcoin transactions on blockchain? Bitcoin, the world's first decentralized digital currency, has proven to be a popular investment and payment method. This article will comprehensively examine how to track Bitcoin transactions on the blockchain, exploring the technological foundation on which Bitcoin is built. At PlasBit, we believe that the ability to track Bitcoin transactions in this way is a must-have skill for any user.

Introduction to Bitcoin and Blockchain

Bitcoin was projected onto the world in 2009 by an unknown individual or collective using the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto. It is a decentralized digital currency not controlled by any government or financial body. Instead of this control, it relies on a network of users to maintain the system's integrity. Blockchain is the technology that underpins Bitcoin. It is a decentralized ledger that records every transaction on the network. A network of users maintains this ledger, and most of the network must verify every new transaction before it can be added. Understanding how to track Bitcoin transactions on blockchain starts with understanding the fundamentals of this ground-breaking technology.

What Is a Bitcoin Transaction?

When a transaction is started, the sender creates a transaction message that contains the recipient's Bitcoin address, the numerical amount being sent, and a digital signature. The digital signature is generated using the sender's private key, ensuring that only the sender can authorize the transaction. The transaction message is then broadcast to the network of Bitcoin nodes, effectively computers running Bitcoin software. The nodes receive the message and verify that the sender has sufficient Bitcoin to complete the transaction and that the digital signature is valid. Once the transaction is successfully verified and added to a pool of unconfirmed transactions, Bitcoin miners compete to add transactions to the next block by solving complex mathematical problems. The first miner who solves the problem and adds the block to the blockchain receives the reward of newly created Bitcoin and transaction fees. Once a transaction is incorporated in a block, it is officially confirmed and cannot be reversed. The transaction is now visible on the blockchain, a public ledger that registers all Bitcoin transactions. This feature is crucial in understanding how to track Bitcoin transactions on blockchain. A Bitcoin transaction transfers this cryptocurrency between two or more addresses, verified by the network of users, and recorded on the blockchain. Transactions are irreversible and secured by digital signatures, enhancing security compared to traditional payment methods.


Why Track Bitcoin Transactions on Blockchain?

Cryptocurrency has revolutionized how we conduct transactions, with Bitcoin emerging as the most popular digital currency in the market. However, with the rise of Bitcoin transactions, there is also an increase in fraudulent activities. Many people are learning how to track Bitcoin transactions on blockchain to deal with this problem. By tracking Bitcoin transactions, users can verify that a transaction has been completed, detect fraudulent activity, and better understand the network's operation. Moreover, the transparency provided by the blockchain can improve trust in the Bitcoin network. At PlasBit, we believe anything that builds trust in Bitcoin and the broader crypto market is inherently good. This section will explore why tracking Bitcoin transactions is essential and how it can benefit users. Whether you're a Bitcoin trader or a casual user, understanding the importance of tracking Bitcoin transactions can help secure your assets and ensure a seamless transaction process.

Verifying transaction success:

Tracking Bitcoin transactions can help you to verify that a transaction has been completed. This facility can be helpful if you buy or sell goods or services using Bitcoin. Unlike traditional payment methods, Bitcoin transactions are irreversible, meaning that once a transaction has been initiated, it cannot be canceled or refunded. Therefore, confirming that the transaction has been successful before releasing the goods or services is crucial. Verifying the transaction's success protects the seller from potential fraud and ensures a smooth and secure transaction for both parties.

Detect fraudulent activity:

Knowing how to track Bitcoin transactions on blockchain is vital to protect against fraudulent activity. For example, if you notice a transaction on the blockchain that you didn't make, it could indicate that someone has accessed your Bitcoin wallet without your permission. By regularly performing a Bitcoin wallet balance check and monitoring your Bitcoin transactions on the blockchain, you can detect any unauthorized activity and take steps to protect your funds.

Improved transparency:

Improved transparency is one of the most significant benefits of blockchain technology. Because blockchains are public ledgers, anyone can view the transactions recorded on the network. This feature means that the core technology can enhance transparency and trust in the Bitcoin network. With blockchain, there's no need for intermediaries, as the network's participants verify all transactions. The decentralized nature of blockchain networks also helps ensure that information cannot be tampered with or corrupted, providing additional transparency and security.

Better understanding:

Tracking Bitcoin transactions can give you a clearer understanding of the network's operation. By studying the transactions on the blockchain, you can learn more about the flow of Bitcoin and how it is being used.

How To Track Bitcoin Transactions on Blockchain: Using Blockchain Explorer

Blockchain explorers are a powerful tool for tracking Bitcoin transactions on the blockchain. They allow you to view the transactions on the blockchain in real-time and provide detailed information about each transaction. Exploring such tools should be an essential part of any crypto deep dive. One of the most well-known blockchain explorers is This website tool allows you to search for Bitcoin transactions by transaction ID, Bitcoin address, or block number. You can also view the latest blocks added to the blockchain and track the total number of Bitcoin transactions in real-time. Another famous blockchain explorer is This website provides similar functionality to but also allows you to view the transactions on the Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash blockchains.

How to Track Bitcoin Transactions on Blockchain: Step-by-Step Guidance

Learning how to track Bitcoin transactions on the blockchain is a relatively straightforward process. The following is a step-by-step guide we have prepared at PlasBit to assist you in getting started:

1. Obtain the transaction ID:

The first step in tracking a Bitcoin transaction is to obtain the transaction ID. This information is a unique identifier that is assigned to every Bitcoin transaction. You can usually find the transaction ID in your Bitcoin wallet or on the receipt for the transaction.

2. Visit a blockchain explorer website:

As you have read, a blockchain explorer is an online tool or service that allows you to view the transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain. Several blockchain explorers are available, including,, and

3. Enter the transaction ID:

Once you have found a blockchain explorer, enter the transaction ID into the search bar. The blockchain explorer will then display the transaction details, including the amount of Bitcoin transferred, the time and date, and the addresses involved.

4. View the transaction details:

Once you have identified and located the transaction, you can view the transaction details. This data may include the Bitcoin addresses involved in the transaction, the amount of Bitcoin transferred, and any fees associated with the transaction.

5. Follow the transaction trail:

You can follow the transaction trail to explore further how to track Bitcoin transactions on blockchain. This data will enable you to see where Bitcoin came from and where it is going.

Advanced Techniques for Tracking Bitcoin Transactions on Blockchain

If you are examining how to track Bitcoin transactions on the blockchain in more detail, we recommend several advanced techniques at PlasBit. These include:

Using a block explorer API:

Many blockchain explorers provide an API allowing you to access blockchain data programmatically. The API enables users to extract data related to transactions, Bitcoin wallets, and blockchains in a standardized format. You can explore the transaction history of any wallet address, check wallet balances, and identify the current cost of a transaction or gas. Blockchain explorers also help you to plan gas spending for future transactions.

Blockchain APIs can also save time and resources, reduce costs, and provide a more accessible ecosystem. This facility can be beneficial if you want to build your blockchain analysis tools.

Using a Bitcoin node:

Running your own Bitcoin node is a great way to have control of the transactions occurring on the Bitcoin network. By setting up a node, you can ensure that transactions are processed quickly and accurately while also being able to view the blockchain in real-time. Plus, running a node helps to support the collective security and decentralization of the Bitcoin network. With some technical know-how, setting up a node is a fairly straightforward process.

Using advanced blockchain analysis tools:

Several advanced blockchain analysis tools allow you to visualize and analyze the transactions on the blockchain. In addition, these tools can assist you in detecting fraudulent activity and tracking the flow of Bitcoin as you discover how to track Bitcoin transactions on blockchain.

Common Mistakes to Avoid While Tracking Bitcoin Transactions

While tracking Bitcoin transactions on the blockchain is a relatively straightforward process, there are several common mistakes that you should avoid. These include:

Not verifying the transaction ID:

Verifying the correct transaction ID is crucial when checking a Bitcoin transaction on the blockchain because any digit or letter wrong in the alphanumeric string could cause the transaction to fail. This type of mistake can be particularly problematic because it is irreversible once a transaction is confirmed and registered on the blockchain. Therefore, it is essential to verify the transaction ID to ensure that you are tracking the correct transaction. The correct ID guarantees that the transaction information you view is accurate and up-to-date, making tracking the transaction's status and confirmations easier. You may mistakenly assume your transaction is unconfirmed or lost without the correct transaction ID, leading to confusion and frustration. Knowing how to correctly track Bitcoin transactions on blockchain is invaluable if this situation occurs.

Not understanding Bitcoin addresses:

Bitcoin addresses can be confusing, and it is crucial to understand how they operate and function before you start tracking Bitcoin transactions. Ensure you understand the difference between public and private keys and how Bitcoin addresses are generated. At PlasBit, we promote this as a core part of crypto understanding and education.

Not using a reputable blockchain explorer:

It is essential to use a reputable blockchain explorer when tracking Bitcoin transactions. Using a less reputable blockchain explorer may result in inaccurate or incomplete information.

Real-Life Examples of Tracking Bitcoin Transactions on Blockchain

In the Silk Road case, the US government seized over 144,000 bitcoins worth $3.36 billion at the time of the seizure. The government could track the funds to a specific Bitcoin address that seemed to have hacked the Bitcoin funds from the Silk Road. This investigation was possible because the blockchain records every transaction on the network, making it transparent and traceable. The blockchain also provides a way to verify payments and identities, which was crucial in this case. The WannaCry ransomware attack is another example of knowing how to track Bitcoin transactions on blockchain being useful. In May 2017, the attack infected over 300,000 computers in 150 countries, demanding payment in Bitcoin to unlock the files. Researchers traced the payments back to the attackers by tracking the Bitcoin transactions on the blockchain. This outcome highlights the transparency of the blockchain, which can be used to identify and investigate illegal activities. In another case, the US Department of Justice seized 63.7 bitcoins from a hacker who had stolen the funds from Bitfinex, a cryptocurrency exchange. The blockchain allowed the authorities to track the flow of the stolen funds and identify the hacker. Other examples of tracking Bitcoin transactions on the blockchain include the darknet marketplaces AlphaBay and Hansa, which were closed down by law enforcement agencies in 2017. The agencies were able to track the flow of Bitcoin on the blockchain, leading to the arrest of the site administrators. In contrast, the blockchain has also been used to track the flow of funds in charitable donations. For example, the Red Cross has used blockchain technology to track donations and ensure the funds are being used for their intended purpose. The transparency of the blockchain allows donors to see where their funds are going and how they are being used. At PlasBit, we see this as a positive expression of the benefits of tracking Bitcoin transactions. In contrast, we also provide our users with the option of a completely anonymous Bitcoin card and wire transfer services. The central theme is freedom and personal choice regarding how much anonymity or traceability a user values. Ultimately, the blockchain provides a transparent and traceable way to track Bitcoin transactions. While Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have been criticized for their use in facilitating criminal activities, the blockchain provides a powerful tool for law enforcement agencies to track and trace illegal activities. The examples above show the potential broader benefits of knowing how to track Bitcoin transactions on blockchain.

How To Track Bitcoin Transactions on Blockchain: An Important Skill

Tracking Bitcoin transactions on the blockchain is a valuable skill that can help you verify transactions, detect fraudulent activity, and better understand how the Bitcoin network operates. By following the guidelines explained in this article, you can easily track Bitcoin transactions on the blockchain and gain valuable insights into the world of Bitcoin. At PlasBit, we believe this is a core skill in your crypto education that you will benefit from many times in the future.