Top Countries For Crypto In 2024

Top countries for crypto in 2024

In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies, staying ahead of the curve is paramount. As we look ahead to 2024, assessing which countries are poised to lead the charge in crypto adoption is crucial. We use the fourth annual Chainalysis Global Crypto Adoption Index data to shed light on this. This comprehensive measure combines on-chain data and real-world insights to identify the nations where everyday individuals are embracing cryptocurrencies most fervently. The index isn't solely concerned with raw transaction volumes; it highlights countries where the average person dedicates a significant portion of their wealth to cryptocurrencies. In essence, we will discover the level of crypto adoption, a measure of how deeply cryptocurrencies have penetrated everyday life in different parts of the world. We'll delve into the intricacies of this groundbreaking index, sharing key findings and exploring the top countries for crypto in 2024. We'll also discuss the methodology behind the index, the global trends shaping the crypto ecosystem, and the resilience of lower-middle-income (LMI) countries.

Global Crypto Adoption Trends: From Peaks to Recovery

The evolution of crypto adoption is a dynamic tapestry that unfurls over time. It is marked not only by moments of remarkable growth but also by periods of ebbs and flows. While we have witnessed the crypto market reaching soaring heights, especially during the exuberant bull markets, this journey has been challenging. We'll analyze the situation using the Chainalysis index as an invaluable tool for tracking these trends by meticulously summing the index scores of all 154 countries quarterly. This meticulous approach provides a comprehensive panorama of the ebb and flow of adoption growth over time.

The Crypto Winter and the FTX Incident

A conspicuous dip in grassroots adoption became evident around late 2022, a pivotal juncture that coincided with a significant event, the implosion of FTX, a prominent crypto exchange. This incident cast a pall of uncertainty over the crypto market, prompting a recalibration of confidence in its resilience. While there has been a commendable recovery since that nadir, it is noteworthy that grassroots adoption continues to lag behind its all-time zenith, thereby underscoring the need for a reasonable and nuanced approach to crypto investments.

A Tale of Two Worlds: Lower Middle Income (LMI) Countries Shine

However, amid the global undulations in crypto adoption, a discernible pattern emerges, illuminating one segment of countries that stands out as a beacon of resilience. These are the lower-middle-income (LMI) countries, such as India and Nigeria, a classification meticulously delineated by the discerning criteria of the World Bank. LMI nations are characterized not only by their GNI per capita, which falls within the range of $1,086 to $4,255 but also by their remarkable ability to manifest a more robust recovery in grassroots crypto adoption than any other income category.

Understanding LMI Countries

Delving into the essence of LMI countries reveals a multifaceted system characterized by dynamic industries, burgeoning populations, and an unwavering commitment to economic development. These nations are amid transformative changes, embracing the promise of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain as pivotal tools to foster financial inclusion and spur innovation.

LMI Countries' Resilience

What truly sets LMI countries apart is their resilience, their indomitable spirit that enables them to withstand the turbulent tides of crypto volatility and thrive and surpass grassroots adoption levels observed before the most recent crypto bull market. This resilience is symbolic of the unwavering determination of individuals in these countries to harness the transformative potential of cryptocurrencies, transcending traditional barriers and paving the way toward greater financial inclusion and economic empowerment.

LMI Countries: A Promising Future for Crypto

As we peer into the future, it becomes evident that cryptocurrencies have discovered fertile ground in LMI countries. These nations are poised to contribute significantly to the global crypto ecosystem, serving as a laboratory for innovation and a beacon of hope for those seeking financial access and opportunity. Remarkably, LMI countries are home to approximately 40% of the world's population, underscoring their profound significance as a pivotal demographic that could shape the future contours of the crypto world.

A Synergy of Adoption: Bottom-Up and Top-Down

The vista of the future paints a compelling picture where the synergy of bottom-up and top-down adoption pathways converges harmoniously. LMI countries, with their vibrant grassroots adoption, harmonize seamlessly with the burgeoning institutional adoption witnessed in high-income countries. This coexistence ushers in a new era where digital assets serve as versatile tools, addressing the unique needs of individuals across both segments. Although crypto adoption in these countries is often growing, the necessary infrastructure to ensure security, confidentiality, and interoperability is lacking. PlasBit can help you with all the services you need to buy, convert, or spend cryptocurrency. With us, you can easily overcome the complications of crypto conversion and use our crypto debit cards even for everyday spending.

The Top Countries For Crypto in 2024

As we delve into the findings of the Chainalysis Global Crypto Adoption Index for 2023, it becomes evident that the world is witnessing a transformative shift in how cryptocurrencies are embraced across various nations. We'll explore the top 20 countries that have taken center stage in this crypto revolution.

India, Pioneering Crypto in South Asia: A combination of factors drives India's ascent to the top of the crypto adoption index. It's not just about transaction volumes; it's about how deeply cryptocurrencies have penetrated everyday life in the country. India, the world's second-largest cryptocurrency market, boasts a thriving crypto ecosystem. With a youthful population and a growing tech-savvy middle class, India's crypto enthusiasm is palpable. Moreover, regulatory clarity and increased access to digital assets have propelled India to the forefront of global crypto adoption. Whether trading, investments, or exploring innovative blockchain solutions, India's crypto community is actively reshaping the nation's financial ecosystem.

Nigeria, Africa's Crypto Powerhouse: Nigeria's position as Africa's crypto powerhouse is nothing short of remarkable. It's a nation where crypto is more than just an investment; it's a lifeline for many. The country's youthful demographic and quest for financial inclusion have fueled Nigeria's crypto adoption. Remittances, in particular, play a crucial role in the Nigerian crypto story, offering a more cost-effective and efficient means of transferring funds. Local crypto startups and entrepreneurs have also contributed to the nation's crypto boom, creating jobs and fostering innovation.

Vietnam, Southeast Asia's Crypto Epicenter: Vietnam's emergence as Southeast Asia's crypto epicenter can be attributed to its vibrant and proactive crypto community. The Vietnamese have taken a keen interest in cryptocurrencies, not only as investment assets but also as tools for financial empowerment. The government's relatively open stance toward crypto and a tech-savvy population has created a conducive environment for crypto startups and projects to thrive. Whether trading, participating in initial coin offerings (ICOs), or developing blockchain applications, Vietnam's crypto enthusiasts are shaping the nation's digital future.

United States, The North American Influence: Despite its fourth-place ranking, the United States remains a pivotal influencer in the global crypto world. Its crypto ecosystem is incredibly diverse, catering to various stakeholders. While institutional investors increasingly embrace cryptocurrencies as part of their portfolios, individual enthusiasts continue actively participating in trading and investing. Regulatory developments, including discussions around a potential central bank digital currency (CBDC), have kept the U.S. crypto market at the forefront of innovation and policy discourse.

Ukraine, Eastern Europe's Crypto Rising Star: Eastern Europe's crypto gem, Ukraine, is a country marked by its innovative approach to cryptocurrencies. The Ukrainian crypto community is vibrant, with a growing number of startups, developers, and enthusiasts exploring the possibilities of blockchain technology. Regulatory clarity and a welcoming attitude toward crypto projects have fostered a fertile ground for experimentation and growth. As a result, Ukraine is steadily establishing itself as a hub for crypto innovation in the region.

Philippines, Southeast Asia's Crypto Enthusiast: The Philippines, securing the sixth spot, has a dynamic crypto community actively participating in various crypto-related activities. Remittances, in particular, play a significant role in the Philippines' crypto ecosystem, offering a cost-effective and efficient way for overseas Filipino workers to send money back home. Beyond remittances, the nation's crypto enthusiasts engage in blockchain solutions. The Philippines exemplifies how cryptocurrencies can address real-world financial challenges.

Indonesia, Southeast Asia's Crypto Contender: In seventh place, Indonesia is poised to become a significant player in Southeast Asia's crypto arena. With a vast population and a growing number of tech-savvy individuals, Indonesia's crypto ecosystem appeals to retail investors and blockchain entrepreneurs. The government's willingness to explore blockchain technology's potential further underscores the nation's commitment to fostering a conducive environment for crypto adoption.

Pakistan, Embracing the Crypto Wave: Pakistan's eighth-place ranking underscores its growing presence in the global crypto economy. The country's crypto journey is characterized by increasing awareness and adoption among residents. More Pakistanis are exploring digital assets for financial inclusion, and the crypto community is actively engaged in trading and investment activities. Regulatory developments are also closely monitored, shaping the future of crypto in Pakistan.

Brazil, Latin America's Advocate for Crypto: Brazil, our ninth-ranked country, is a prominent advocate for crypto adoption in Latin America. The nation's diverse population and the growing interest in DeFi and blockchain technology have fueled the crypto boom. Brazil's crypto enthusiasts actively participate in various aspects of the crypto ecosystem.

Thailand, Exploring Crypto's Boundless Potential: In closing the top ten, Thailand earnestly explores cryptocurrencies' boundless potential. The country's crypto ecosystem encompasses a broad spectrum of users and applications. With regulatory frameworks to govern crypto activities, Thailand provides a fertile ground for innovation and adoption. Whether using cryptocurrencies for remittances, trading, or developing blockchain solutions, Thailand's crypto enthusiasts are actively increasing blockchain adoption.

A Glimpse into the Future: Synergies of Crypto Adoption


The crypto economy of tomorrow is set to be defined by a dynamic convergence of two distinct yet interlinked adoption pathways. On the one hand, we have the grassroots adoption witnessed predominantly in lower-middle-income (LMI) countries, where individuals are leveraging cryptocurrencies as a means of financial empowerment, inclusion, and innovation. On the other hand, institutional adoption, primarily driven by high-income countries, continues its upward trajectory as organizations and financial institutions recognize the potential of digital assets for their portfolios.

The Promise of LMI Countries And Institutional Adoption

Lower middle-income (LMI) countries, characterized by their dynamic industries and growing populations, have proven to be the crucible of grassroots adoption. These nations are not merely embracing cryptocurrencies but pioneering their use in everyday life. The resilience of LMI countries in the face of crypto market volatility underscores their unwavering commitment to harnessing digital assets for economic progress. In high-income countries, institutional adoption is gaining momentum. Financial institutions, corporations, and even governments are entering the crypto arena. The allure of digital assets lies in their potential to provide diversification, hedge against inflation, and serve as a store of value. As regulatory frameworks continue to evolve, institutional players are gradually unlocking the full potential of cryptocurrencies. The future of crypto adoption hinges on the coalescence of interests between these two adoption pathways. LMI countries are poised to become the driving force behind grassroots adoption while institutional adoption continues to flourish in high-income countries. The interplay between these segments creates a symbiotic relationship where digital assets serve individuals' and organizations' diverse needs.

Redefining Finance and Inclusion

The synergistic future of crypto adoption has profound implications for the global financial ecosystem. It challenges traditional economic models and paves the way for more inclusive and accessible financial systems. Cryptocurrencies promise financial inclusion to billions of unbanked and underbanked individuals worldwide, transcending geographical barriers and bureaucratic hurdles. As we look ahead, we envision a holistic financial ecosystem where cryptocurrencies coexist with traditional financial instruments. This coexistence fosters innovation, diversification, and resilience. Individuals can access financial services more efficiently, and organizations can explore new avenues for growth and investment.

The Path Forward

The path forward is one of continued exploration and collaboration. As LMI countries lead the charge in grassroots adoption, high-income countries can provide expertise, infrastructure, and regulatory frameworks to support this growth. Together, they can create a more inclusive and robust crypto ecosystem that benefits individuals and organizations across the globe. The future of cryptocurrency adoption is a tapestry woven with threads of innovation, resilience, and collaboration. It is a future where digital assets transcend borders, catalyzing financial empowerment and progress. PlasBit supports cryptocurrencies to achieve greater inclusiveness and fairness by giving individuals back their financial freedom. For this reason, we have built this crypto platform that bridges the gap between the world of cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies, allowing you to convert your cryptocurrencies quickly into fiat, enabling you to use them with our debit cards for any real-world spending. As we navigate the evolving crypto world, we remain committed to providing insights, analysis, and understanding to help shape this exciting journey into cryptocurrencies. Stay tuned for the culmination of our 2023 Geography of Cryptocurrency Report, where we explore these trends in even greater detail and offer a comprehensive view of global crypto adoption.

The Cryptocurrency Ecosystem in 2023: Key Takeaways and Future Prospects

We look back at the key takeaways from this report and cast our gaze forward to envision the prospects of digital assets on a global scale.

Key Takeaways from the 2023 Crypto Adoption

Diverse Adoption Profiles: The top countries for crypto in 2024 represent a diverse range of regions and income levels, demonstrating that cryptocurrency adoption is not confined to a specific demographic or geographical area.

LMI Countries Shine: Lower middle-income (LMI) countries have emerged as beacons of grassroots crypto adoption, exhibiting remarkable resilience and a commitment to leveraging cryptocurrencies for financial inclusion and innovation.

Institutional Adoption Grows: High-income countries are witnessing a surge in institutional adoption as financial institutions, corporations, and governments recognize the potential of digital assets for diversification and value preservation.

Regulatory Challenges Persist: Cryptocurrency regulations continue to evolve, with governments seeking to balance fostering innovation and ensuring consumer protection and financial stability. The global patchwork of laws presents challenges for businesses operating in the crypto space.

Self-Regulation Emerges: Self-regulatory organizations (SROs) are increasingly important in establishing industry standards and best practices, contributing to trust and responsible behavior within the crypto industry.

Synergy of Adoption Pathways: The future of cryptocurrency adoption lies in the synergy between grassroots and institutional adoption pathways. This coexistence promises a more inclusive and versatile financial ecosystem.

Envisioning the Future of Cryptocurrency

As we look ahead to the future, several key trends and developments are likely to shape the cryptocurrency world:

Evolving Regulations: Regulatory frameworks will continue growing, with governments seeking clarity and oversight while fostering innovation. Collaborative efforts between the crypto industry and regulators will play a pivotal role in shaping these regulations.

Mainstream Integration: Cryptocurrencies are poised for greater integration into mainstream financial systems. It includes the potential for central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and increased use of stablecoins for everyday transactions.

Financial Inclusion: Cryptocurrencies can bridge the gap in financial access for billions of unbanked and underbanked individuals. Initiatives aimed at promoting financial inclusion through digital assets will gain traction.

Institutional Maturation: Institutional adoption will continue to mature, with more traditional financial institutions offering crypto-related products and services. This maturation will bring greater legitimacy and stability to the crypto market.

Blockchain Innovation: Blockchain technology will continue to drive innovation across various industries beyond finance, including supply chain, healthcare, and voting systems.

Global Collaboration: Collaboration between countries, organizations, and industry participants will be essential for addressing global challenges such as cybersecurity, cross-border transactions, and the responsible use of cryptocurrencies.

Conclusion: A Dynamic Crypto Future

The cryptocurrency ecosystem in 2023 is marked by dynamism, innovation, and continuous evolution. As digital assets reshape the financial and technological system, the world has opportunities for economic empowerment, inclusion, and progress. Our journey through the 2023 Geography of Cryptocurrency Report has provided valuable insights into this evolving economy. As we navigate the complex and exciting world of cryptocurrencies, we remain committed to providing accurate and insightful analysis to help individuals, businesses, and policymakers make informed decisions in this dynamic environment. The future of digital assets holds promise, and together, we will continue to explore and shape this transformative journey. Thank you for joining us on this exploration of global crypto adoption, and we look forward to the adventures that lie ahead.

Beyond 2023: Exploring Crypto's Horizon

Now, we embark on a speculative journey beyond the scope of this current analysis, exploring the potential trajectories and transformative possibilities that may await the world of cryptocurrencies in the years beyond 2023.

The Acceleration of Change

The crypto world is characterized by rapid and often unpredictable change. As we project into the future, it's essential to recognize that the pace of innovation and adoption in the crypto space shows no signs of slowing down. We discuss potential scenarios and trends that could shape the next phase of crypto evolution.

Scenario 1 - Regulatory Maturation: One possible future involves the continued maturation of cryptocurrency regulations worldwide. Governments and regulatory bodies may collaborate to establish comprehensive frameworks that clarify, protect consumers, and promote innovation. It could lead to a more stable and regulated environment, encouraging institutional participation and mainstream adoption.

Scenario 2 - Mainstream Integration: Another potential trajectory is the deeper integration of cryptocurrencies into mainstream financial systems. Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) may become a reality in more countries, offering a government-backed digital alternative to traditional fiat currencies. Stablecoins could become widely accepted for everyday transactions, bridging the gap between traditional finance and the crypto world.

Scenario 3 - Technological Breakthroughs: Cryptocurrencies are deeply intertwined with blockchain technology. Future advancements in blockchain could lead to scalability, security, and interoperability breakthroughs. It could open the door to new use cases beyond finance, such as decentralized identity management, supply chain tracking, etc.

Scenario 4 - Global Collaboration: As the crypto ecosystem continues to expand, international collaboration may become paramount. Countries and organizations could work together to address cross-border challenges like cybersecurity, regulatory consistency, and data privacy. Such cooperation could create a more harmonious global crypto ecosystem.

Scenario 5 - Financial Inclusion: Cryptocurrencies have the potential to transform financial inclusion efforts worldwide. Initiatives to provide banking services to the unbanked and underbanked through digital assets may gain momentum. It could lead to greater economic empowerment and improved access to financial services for billions of people.

Scenario 6 - New Paradigms: Cryptocurrencies can challenge established financial and economic paradigms. In the years ahead, we may witness shifts in economic power, changes in how assets are valued, and the emergence of entirely new financial ecosystems that are decentralized and community-driven.

Embracing the Unknown

The future of the top countries for crypto in 2024 is a realm of infinite possibilities and uncertainties. While we can make educated projections based on current trends and developments, the crypto economy is inherently unpredictable. What remains constant is the potential for innovation, transformation, and the enduring spirit of exploration that defines the crypto community. As we step into the unknown, it's crucial to approach this transformative journey with open minds, adaptability, and a commitment to responsible and ethical use of digital assets. Together, we will continue to shape the future of cryptocurrencies, discovering new horizons and pioneering uncharted territory. By signing up on PlasBit, you can easily access all the services needed to cope with the emerging adoption of cryptocurrencies. With our wallet and cards, you can trade securely and confidentially, knowing that your data will never be disclosed to third parties and that users' funds are stored in cold wallets, safe from attempted hacks or theft. Thank you for accompanying us through the 2023 Geography of Cryptocurrency Report. The adventure continues, and we look forward to exploring the ever-evolving world of crypto with you in the years to come.